Game of Thrones S7 Ep4 Recap & Reactions

Daenerys Rising, “The Spoils of War”

Okay, Throners (or is Throneys? Gamers?) who else is still a shaky mess after last night’s episode?! Wow wow wow wowee wow. Fire and blood, the slogan for House Targaryen was only too appropos for how Dany retaliated against Cersei’s consecutive victories.

But before Dany goes all Dracarys on those lion asses she gets word from Jon, who’s now actively mining for obsidian (aka ‘dragonglass’) that he’s stumbled upon some interesting discovery. Deep in the caves amongst the towering shelves and sheets of obsidian there are drawings carved into the walls by the Children of the Forest. Their little sidewalk chalk illustrations depict the COF teaming up with the men and women formely residing in westeros to defeat a common enemy. Their scribbles are distinctively white walkers. Eek!

This is the perfection transition for Dany to not only come to a realization that what Jon’s saying is closer than ever, and more of a genuine threat instead of just a fantasy nightmare, but to urge him again to BEND THE KNEE. This time, Jon’s not as opposed to swearing fealty to the Mother of Dragons, and the two even have some smouldering kind of tension as they gaze at each other amongst the flickering torchlights. (Umm, girl, he’s your nephew. Please please please don’t go there! I know you’re from a fam that’s all gung-ho about brother-marrying-sister and all that, but noooo.) Methinks Jon is on the cusp of joining forces with her. Not just because of all of the favourable details he’s heard about Dany’s character from Missandei and Tyrion, but because as Dany herself told him, the North chose him, the North believes in him, and the North will follow him and trust in him.

Speaking of the North, back in Winterfell who comes to the gates but….Arya! The Stark sister’s reunion gave me chills and made me cry out in joy. Finally, finally, finally! I’m so stoked to hear them exchange stories and bring each other up to speed on their trials and triumphs. It’s super obvs that Arya is aware that Sansa has changed. A LOT. She’s not the same giddy girl with romantic notions and naivete as she was the last time they were together, just as Arya isn’t just a scrappy little girl sticking her tongue out and thumbing her nose at anyone that annoys her. Both have grown exponentially and they’re not only on more level playing field this time around, but they seem to have a mutual respect and heck, even admiration that’s slowly forming. There’s still a flurry of question marks floating between the two, and massive gap of lost time. After the two talk about wishing they’d knocked Joffrey off, Arya mentions her hit list to Sansa, who kind of just shakes her head and humors her little sis. Sansa logic: as if Arya, little Arya-Horseface could even be some cold-hearted assassin. Right? Right.

Well…. at least until Arya comes face to face with Bran, parked up against Weirwood as usual -this time bundled up in furs in his medieval wheelchair contraption. Bran, or -ahem- the Three-Eyed Raven as he prefers to be called, continues to creep out Sansa who in turn warns Arya that Bran says some really weird shit now and to be prepared. Despite this, both girls are bewildered when he casually and unflinchingly remarks that Arya’s made much progress on her Kill List, and murmurs about seeing her at the Crossroads. *gulp*

With Arya back, Brienne of Tarth has finally fulfilled her vow to Lady Catelin. Composed and unflappable as ever, she acknowledges that because Arya returned on her own, she didn’t completely do her duty and doesn’t deserve praise. Ahhh Brienne! After sparring with Podrick, Arya jumps for a chance to cross blades with Brienne. At first the two are evenly matched, but Arry’s so fleet of foot, flexible, and fluid in her motions, that she comes out the victor. She’s positively expert at using Needle, and her extensive training from Syrio and Jaqen H'ghar shines through in this brilliantly choreographed scene.

Still in Winterfell Meera Reed makes her farewell, and thankfully it’s not in a coffin! She parts ways with Bran after telling him that he’s not who he was before, that he died back in that cave in season 6, and with her little brother Jojen’s and the bumbling gentle giant Hodor’s deaths still looming over her, decides she can’t stay in Winterfell anymore. If it wasn’t obvious before, it is now that Meera has a fondness for Bran, and is devastated at his transformation from a very emotional young man to a more stoic and detached one--someone who isn’t capable of feeling like he once was, or loving like he once was. Gah. My heart ached for Meera in this very short, blink-and-you-miss-it scene, because it really hammers in Bran’s drastic personality changes and makes it realer than ever that this is him now. The old him, is long gone. Forevermore. Or should I say, NEVERMORE. *caw caw*

Back in King’s Landing Cersei meets again with Mycroft Holmes Tycho Nestoris the rep for the Iron Bank of Braavos and they seem to come to an agreement. What was that bit about Lannisters again? Always paying their debts? Blegh. At least we didn’t have to see Cersei doing anything particularly squicky this episode. Jamie, isn’t as fortunate.

Returning to the shores of Dragonstone, who stumbles onto the beach from the tides but Theon Greyjoy! He locks eyes with Jon, who happens to be there at the exactly moment he steps ashore, and Jon glares daggers at him. Lunging forward and seizing him by the throat, Jon seethes that the only reason Theon’s still alive, and why he won’t end him then and there, is because of what he did for Sansa. Taking the high ground Jon, love it. Minutes after this shock, Jon, and Davos are struck by another bombshell- Dany has left the castle. On Dragonback.

Furious over her heavy losses Dany refuses to keep sitting around and losing the war. Despite Tyrion’s council and Jon’s advice, she’s ready to strike back, PERSONALLY. Around Highgarden, Jamie and his troops -- now joined by new allies such as the Tarley’s who previously swore fealty to the now decimated house Tyrell -- have a grain storage operation going on. A lot of men, a lot of food, a lot of flat, wide, open lands. Once the thundering of horse hooves fill the air and the Dothraki make their debut, charging into the ranks of trembly Lannister soldiers with their scimitars blazing, the energy gets jacked up to eleven. And with it, our anxiety. After her coordinated Dothraki attack goes as planned, and they slash apart the ranks of Westerosi  -- the Khaleesi herself comes in. Astride Dogon, Dany unleashes dragonfire on the Lannisters and all of their allies. The blazing flames torch not just all the food stores, but about three quarters of the army. But still, many Dothraki do end up biting the dust, too. The tides turn and a sense of urgency and horror falls over us as the audience when we see Bronn who leaps at the chance to use creepy ex-maester Qyburn’s crossbow scorpion, aiming the lance at Drogon. GET OUTTA THERE DANY. There was more than a little screaming going in my Game of Thrones viewing party last night. The chills and exuberance we felt when we first saw Dany flying into battle, was replaced by absolute terror that she might actually lose Drogon, her favourite dragon, or be seriously injured herself.

Instead, Bronn’s aim isn’t as on target as he wants it to be, and he ends up missing anything vital, piercing Drogon in his wing. Enough to hurt him and catch Dany off guard, but not sufficient enough to slay him in an instant. Jamie, foolishly tries to take out Dany while she’s got her back to him and is working at prying the spear out of Drogon. But he’s too slow, and a jet of dragonfire from Drogon sends Jamie crashing into the water, where he’s dragged down by his plate armour until rescued by who else by Dickon (haha) Tarley.

This episode ended a whole eight minutes earlier than previous episodes and is the first of the season to not feature any major character deaths. Bronn and Jamie quite literally just barely dodged the axe and I can’t help but believing that their days are numbered and both have just about gone as far as they can in their respective storylines. Jamie’s loss is going to be just the thing to unhinge Cersei, and will be an ultimate blow to her, and I’m certain that it will happen at some point this season. Cersei has been winning and continuing her upward trajectory but the odds won’t be in her favour for much longer. The balance will shift, and when Cersei falls, she will fall hard as she should.  

Game on Cersei. Game on.

photos from IMDB.


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