Angie Tribeca Is Back For a Round Three!

Jay Geils and LAPD's own Wonder Woman, Angie Tribeca, are BAAAACK.
Third Times the Charm for Angie Tribeca!

Mick Jagger croons about a girl with her name on the 5th track of the Rolling Stones album “Goats Head Soup”, and as of this April 10th, she’s back for a third season on TBS. Angie (Angie, Annnnngggie) Tribeca (Rashida Jones) now has to balance raising her little infant son, Angie (who, beeteedubs, is not a Canadian love child after all) with the usual shenanigans at the precinct. Last season our fierce lady cop survived the fallout from Mayhem Global and their hacking schemes, and the return of her former flame Sergeant Pepper (James Franco) with the big reveals: 1.) He never died and 2.) He turned to a life of crime. 

Mercilessly mocking police procedural shows, and following the comic mischief of a largely incompetent LAPD, Angie Tribeca is a remedy to the Monday blues. The antics are just as absurd and just as goofy as in previous seasons, but because we’ve got a baby around this time there is an element of gross out humor added to the equation: think baby barf, and undoubtedly the upcoming dirty diaper and poop jokes.
Angie Tribeca's script is isn’t all juvenile, though: many little bits lead to big laughs. There are still misses to the wacky rapid-fire comedy routine but they’re few and far enough between. This show is great, and completely stupid, fun, with a style that’s part sketch show and part scripted cable.
Attagirl, Ang!

In the premier “Welcome Back Blotter”, a trigger-happy Angie ruins her own retirement party then returns to work a mere days later loathing motherhood, with vomit crusted liberally in her hair. Loud-mouthed Captain Chet Atkins (Jere Burns),  wise-cracking officer DJ Tanner (Deon Cole) as always with his trusty German Shepherd, Hoffman, alert Angie about the latest crime. 
A rich white guy has gone missing! A rich white guy who is also a trophy hunter! Angie and her partner and total bae Jay Geils (Hays MacArthur) get on the case to find out who has a beef against these animal bullies. This season of Angie Tribeca is set to spoof Silence of the Lambs. The 1991 mystery-thriller is teased out here but with a role reversal: forget the cannibal with the skinning hobby and hankering for human flesh. 

Here, Doctor Thomas Hornbein is extremist animal rights activist hellbent on leaving his mark and doling out some sweet sweet justice to those who trespass against him. (Or errr the animals.) Played by Chris Pine, with a loony diabolical accent and a penchant for pressing his bearded face against his plexiglass prison cell walls, he’s one absurd antagonist! As witty and sharp Angie Tribeca can be, it also doesn’t take itself serious at all. As far as shades of gray baddies go, don’t expect a big spectrum here, or for Dr. Horbein to be much more than one dimensional. 
Patty cake, patty cake, in my cell!

Angie Tribeca’s spring return has the same escapist tone and ridiculous humor as its other episodes. The characters are irresistibly idiotic and infinitely lovable. The laughs come faster than Angie’s bullets (the girl can SHOOT!) and the junky and light tone to the show makes this a program to watch for a purely good time. Glad to have you back with your unisex blazer, Tribeca! 

Top two images from IMDB; Bottom from googleimages


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